आपराधिक उघरदायित्व - aparadhik ugharadayitv meaning in hindi

Suggested :
जल संस्कार का जल रखने वाला पात्र | font |
This font was in use until the mid-18th century | |
अस्त | decline |
There is some evidence of a decline in western areas of its range. | |
जेवण | meal |
I'm out the price of a meal . | |
तर्कशास्त्र | logic |
Leibniz's discoveries of Boolean algebra and of symbolic logic | |
ननकारी | dissent |
Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a sharply worded dissent |
aparadhik ugharadayitv
अक्षरों की संख्या: 18 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
aaparaadhika ugharadaayitva
Related spellings : aaparaadhik ugharadaayitv,aparadhik ugharadayitv
Related spellings : aaparaadhik ugharadaayitv,aparadhik ugharadayitv
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